WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Paper 5 Annex 1 - Questionnaire March 27 2007 CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Title: Reviewing the Forum – a questionnaire for members Prepared by: Fran Pothecary, Outdoor Access Officer Objectives and functions of the Forum • To act as the local access forum for Cairngorms National Park and to undertake the functions of that body in terms of Section 25 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003; • To advise Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) on strategic access issues and the drawing up and adoption of a Core Paths Plan in terms of its responsibility under Section 17 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003; • To advise the Authority in the preparation of its Outdoor Access Strategy; • To advise the Authority and any other person or body consulting it, on the existence and delineation of rights of way and the exercise of access rights; • To promote responsible access and land management through assisting the Authority in publicising the Scottish Outdoor Access Code; • To promote discussion and the sharing of knowledge, awareness and good practice in outdoor access matters; • To support the provision of appropriate infrastructure that improves responsible access to the countryside for all; and • To offer advice that will assist in the resolution of outdoor access disputes. 1) Representation and Involvement a. Do you think all relevant access interests are adequately represented on the Forum? If not, what interests are either missing or under-represented? b. Do we need more skills or experience in the Forum? If so, what are they? c. Are you satisfied that the Forum is made up of a committed membership and does everyone participate equally in meetings? If not, what suggestions would you wish to make to improve the current position? 2) Operational Matters a. Is a minimum of four meetings a year, plus an annual open event, adequate to cover Forum business? If not, what would you view as the optimum number of meetings each year? b. Meetings alternate generally between the east and west of the Park – does this work in practice? c. Papers are sent by post to arrive 5 working days before the meeting – does this give you enough time for reading etc? d. Do you believe there are sufficient resources directed towards the Forum’s activities? 3) Role and Remit a. Is there a clear understanding amongst Forum members of the relationship between the Forum and the Park Authority? b. Are the pre-Forum meeting training events worthwhile and how could they be improved? c. Should the Park Authority make more use of Forum members’ skills, outwith meetings and if so, how? d. Are there areas of work you would like to see the Forum address, and if so what are they? e. What are the strengths of the Forum? f. What are the areas for improvement in the Forum (if any)? 4) Communication a. Do you think that the Forum should have a more independent role in communicating with the public? If so, how could it be achieved? 5) Objectives and functions (see text box above) a. On a scale of 1-5, how well do you think the Forum meets its objectives and performs its’ functions? (1 = not at all, 5 = fully)